October 27, 2010

walking away from the wreckage

She wanted to cry, but Emma knew that if she started crying now for everyone and everything she had lost, she would never be able to stop crying. So she dusted herself off instead, and started walking away down the beach to explore. I have no place of my own anymore, she thought, but maybe I can make one.

The storm hadn't taken everything she had, after all. It could never take away her brave heart, or her cleverness.

Kage Baker, The Hotel Under the Sand


  1. Love this. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. OH man. That brought tears. Going in the paper Journal.

  3. Love. How's the rest of the book?

  4. It's lovely. Delightfully easy to read, charming enough for children, interesting enough for adults. If that quote caught your heart, there are many more that would as well.

  5. Will definitely have to look this one up too. I've finished Spindle's End now, sadly.

  6. Wasn't it fantastic? I've read that one at least 11 times. :) This one is YA, so it's a lot shorter, but I really did like it very much.
