May 29, 2010

in open fields of wild flowers,
she breathes the air and flies away

This is my happy place. A place I always hoped really existed somewhere. Wide-open, safe, bright, warm. Soft grass underfoot, soft petals that slip quietly through brushing fingers. There is room for me. There is time. I can breathe. My mom isn't here. Nobody is here. Nobody needs me. I don't need anybody. I'm not hungry. I'm not thirsty. I'm not embarrassed. I'm not hollow. I don't know where I am; but I'm not lost. I don't know what will happen next; but I'm not scared. Maybe I'm pretty, or maybe I'm not; all I know is that it makes no difference to the flowers, to the sun.

Light pools in my belly. I feel like I'm breathing through every inch of my skin. I feel safe. I feel free. For a few minutes, for an hour, for eternity -- I feel like I'm alive.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful, VK! How beautiful and blissful that you have a safe place to go to. Part of my safe place also has a that place I can choose to breathe as well, to hide if i want to and know no one will find me, to sit on a bench surrounded in ivy or lie in the sun by a pond.
    Thanks for sharing. This is very well-written. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

    ang et al
