May 17, 2010

in case you were wondering

picture via

Oh man, I am feeling sooo cranky. Don't take it personally, okay? Anyway, if you're reading this, I'm probably not mad at you. Because you are lovely, and kind, and have put up with my maundering all this time. So it's not you. I swear.

1 comment:

  1. haha, VK. Not laughing at the reasoning behind your daunciness (I Love Lucy revisited!), but at the way you are sharing it!
    You know, I used to not know it was ok to be dauncy. Live my childhood and you never know it's ok to feel anything other than a plastered and hardened noodle for a smile to cover up an empty shell. So, nowadays, I welcome daunciness.

    Hope the planning for Cali is coming together.


