May 27, 2010


This month's posts have been so disjointed! The perfectionist in me is apalled. I am tempted to go back through, to weed out either the blatantly cheerful or the overly depressing, to even it all out a bit. But I won't.

I won't because the story wouldn't be True, then. And anyway, who am I trying to kid? I want this to be an accurate record. I want to be able to come back to these posts in a few years, and see how far I (hopefully) have come. So I can't fudge the details. I won't pretend it's not hard anymore, but I also refuse to give up the cute things the kids said, the songs and words and pictures that made me smile or even laugh, just to feign some kind of melancholy writer's dignity.

This is simply what my life was like this month: It rained a lot, but sometimes -- sometimes the rain had sparkles in it.

1 comment:

  1. But you know, Ms Vera, that's why we love you! We love your honesty, and reflection of how it's possible to be on a hilly journey and still rise above. Thank you for your realness. People like you give me hope and remind me to keep fighting to thrive, no matter how brutal the ride.

    PS. Can I tell you that my word verification was manipit? hahahahaha. Would that be, "man-ee-pit" or "man-aye-pit"? lol :)
