May 23, 2010


My blog is one year old today! Neat.

If it seems like I've been all over the board lately, that's because it's true. I have been up, down, and all around. There is so much going on, inside and outside of me. Thanks for sticking with me. Thanks for showing up. Thanks for caring. These words and pictures really are my insides, out. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it's tragic. Sometimes it's pretty, and sometimes it's decidedly not. Sometimes it's all of those things on the same day.

But it's me. It's me every time.
And I am so grateful to have this place to call my own.


  1. You are welcome, VK! Even though I am sure you are talking to more than just me...haha. I look forward to every post you have, knowing I have something to learn, value and honor. You are doing amazing; you know that right? I've been following your blog since last Octoberish and your growth is unbelievable! Thank you for choosing to have this place for your own and for being so damn honest with the world. I respect your journey, cyber-friend.
    Happy bloggy-birthday!

    ang :)

  2. thanks ang! you have been so faithful and supportive, and I really appreciate you. hardly anyone makes the effort to leave a comment but you do it all the time, and it is so nice to get the feedback and to feel understood.

    thanks for being my cheerleader! you are awesome.

  3. welcome again, friend! I appreciate you through all that you share. Your blog, you know, was the first one i read that really touched some of my insiders that are creative and was like a breath of fresh air to us! Glad you feel supported!
