July 20, 2010


From my place on the front porch, I feel as if I am seated in the prow of a great ship, the spreading tree our figurehead, the sound of rustling leaves and rushing water almost interchangeable.

Out on the horizon, the sun goes down silently, without a fight. I watch, my arms wrapped tight around my knees, as its fiery glow dims and fades and we continue to move steadily forward without it, intrepid explorers that we are, into the evening and all that is unknown.

From my place on the front porch, I feel as if
I am seated in the prow of a great ship, the spreading tree
our figurehead, the sound of rustling leaves and rushing
water almost interchangeable.

Out on the horizon, the sun goes silently down,
without a fight. I watch, my arms
wrapped tight around my knees, as its fiery glow
dims and fades and we continue to move forward
steadily, without it, intrepid explorers
that we are, into the evening
and all that is unknown.

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