We met lots of really nice, helpful people (with all kinds of accents), and took the skytrain everywhere. The Olympics people in their aqua jackets, scattered every few blocks all over the city, were super knowledgable and helpful too. And everything was amazingly clean.

We watched the hockey game on bigscreens at the Edgwater Casino, then hit the streets to celebrate the win with the crowds as they poured out of Canada Hockey Place. There were Olympic Athletes, ecstatic Canadians... and sad Russians.

I had a maple leaf on my face and a Canada toque on my head, and I got high-fives and hugs from strangers, and yelled alot, and was swept up into an impromptu rendition of the Canadian National Anthem. It felt good to be part of something big and noisy and happy.
I must have walked at least six miles all over Vancouver. I got home around midnight, exhausted but pleased. It was so worth it.