It made me want to find poems about foxes...
So here are some poems about foxes:
fox, by Lucille Clifton
can blame her for hunkering
into the doorwells at night,
the only blaze in the dark
the brush of her hopeful tail,
the only starlight
her little bared teeth?
and when she is not satisfied
who can blame her for refusing to leave,
Master Of The Hunt, why am I
not feeding, not being fed?
Reflections of a Fox, by Christian Langston Davidson
It is in my nature, I suppose.
They let me out, so I run off into the thicket.
I've got to see how deep I can get into it
Before they catch me again
As long as I've been doing this, I've never gone uncaught
They are masterful hunters.
Standing tall on the top of the hill: they surround me
Crouched in the bowels of the valley: they uncover me
Hidden deep in the depths of the cave: they overwhelm me
Stuck stumbling in the lair of rattlesnakes: they rescue me
Trapped in the jaws of greed: they free me
Daily, exuberance dawns on me to lure me away;
Nightly, humility settles me in a magnificent palace
I can bank on that more than my own skin.
from Fox Sleep, by W.S. Merwin
What I thought I had left I kept finding again
but when I went looking for what I thought I remembered
as anyone could have foretold it was not there
when I went away looking for what I had to do
I found that I was living where I was a stranger
but when I retraced my steps the familiar vision
turned opaque and all surface and in the wrong places
and the places where I had been a stranger appeared to me
to be where I had been at home called by name and answering
getting ready to go away and going away