April 23, 2010

sugar and spice

A little girl was born today. When I heard the news my immediate impulse was to jump up and down, and run and throw open the front door and shout "I LOVE YOU!" to the sky, in hopes that she and her daddy could hear me even from so many miles away. I contented myself with offering wide-smiling congratulations via cellphone and bouncing excitedly on the couch as I listened to the details of her birth; then I let my friend go so he could continue to spread the good news. Because a new life is Good News, indeed.

I was full of only joy, at first. I am still full of joy; but when I thought of holding her for the first time, of exclaiming over her own individual sweetness (for she's sure to be terribly sweet), and feeling the warm weight of her in my arms, I started to cry.

Oh, baby girl! Welcome to the world. Already you have a piece of my heart. I love your daddy so so much; he has been a dear friend and brother to me for so long and through so much -- and I love your mommy too, because he loves her -- and I love YOU, because you belong to them, and because I wholly believe in love at-first-sight... and love before-first-sight, too. I am so excited to get to know you, and to be connected to you, however tenuously.

photo via weheartit

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful. Made my eyes fill up with tears too and think about how precious the children of my friends are.
