November 26, 2009


Today I choose to pick my battles, and count my blessings.
Today I am thankful for Ailis and Noah, for Laura and Jenn and Emily and Pam, for Aaron and Peter and Kamron, for Jill and Jeff, Pinky Pie, Cissa, and Ca-bob.

Today I am thankful for the people who really seem to care whether I am alive or not, even on the days when I don't.

1 comment:

  1. I will never stop caring. I am here. I will never go away. You are loved. You are cherished. You are treasured. You are believed. You are valid and validated. Everything evil that happened to you tears at my heart and rips at my soul. I believe it all. Not one thing is untrue. It was a travesty. It was a shame. My biggest regret in this life is not having stepped in at a much earlier time. I will no longer be silent. You are my impetus. I will not call black grey. I will declare that a spade is truly a spade. You did this for me. You have given me courage and strength. It may seem I am taking advantage of your pain, but my hope is it will show you the gift it has been too me instead. My love for you drove me to do what needed to be done so long ago. My biggest reward is now knowing the real you. The Vera Kate Hadley. Precious, beautiful, lovely. My Vera. My spiritual sister. I love you.
