Me + P at Bridgeport. It was shut down for restorations but we stopped for a quick photo anyway. My favorite so far.
The choice to love, to really love, is incredibly, ridiculously brave.
It is not a surrendering of self but rather, a time when you scramble a bit to find your footing, and then you stand in your own power and look the Vast Beast in the eye and say, “I choose this.” I choose this thing that can both protect me and tear me apart; that can and will bring me my most enthralling joys and my most excruciating and unanticipated pain. I choose the risk. I choose the possibility of endings. I choose to be as simpatico as old souls and to be equally, heartrendingly misunderstood. I choose to be at intervals rashly taken advantage of and unexpectedly worshiped. I choose this terror and this beauty. I choose love.
Rachelle Mee-Chapman, Magpie Girl