January 18, 2015


I believe that it is possible to be happy and fulfilled without children, and I absolutely believe that a woman can live a meaningful life without ever being a mother. But for me, having my son is what changed my mind about living. It made me not just want to live, for the first time ever, but to live the best possible life. To set goals and pursue them, for real, not just say something that sounded nice and then dwell on all the reasons why it was impossible. The goals I have for my life now still seem big and far away, but I know that I can reach them, and I am determined to show my son that adversity does not guarantee failure and delays do not equal defeat.

I won't ever say, "If I can do it, you can do it." I don't know what you can do; only you know that. But I have room in my heart for you, and for your struggles, because of how I chose to deal with mine.


  1. But I have room in my heart for you, and for your struggles, because of how I chose to deal with mine.


    One example - among many - of why I love Vera Kate.

    xoxo CiM

    1. Oh Cathy, do please tell me if you're ever anywhere on the west coast. Your comments always feel like a hug, and I'd like to hug you for reals. xo

    2. I wish! I'd love to hug you for reals!!

      xoxo C
